Neighborhood Business Marketing
Visitors ❤️ Local
#MYSAINTPAUL is home to so many fantastic local businesses - we want visitors to know about them! Help visitors find you through our visitor map, mobile deals program and

Neighborhood Business Marketing Partnership
- Get on the Map: Partner businesses are identified on the Saint Paul Visitor Map. Printed annually.
- Offer a Mobile Visitor Deal: Through an exclusive partnership with Chinook Book, VSP offers mobile access to over 70 visitor deals. Welcome them to your door by including a deal of your own.
- Boost Your Search: has over 1.7 million pageviews annually. Host a profile page on the site and show up where visitors are looking.
The Neighborhood Business Marketing Partnership includes website presence, map placement and opportunity to participate in Visit Saint Paul Deals. To take advantage of the full benefits available through Visit Saint Paul Membership (listing in the Saint Paul Insider's Guide, leads & referrals, access to the Convention Calendar, network-building events, and more) please contact Chelsea for more information about becoming a member: 651-265-4906 //